The Future of Metals and Minerals in Asia – Country Focus

The Country Focus sessions offer a comprehensive view of investment opportunities available in each participating country, highlighting their respective landscapes for minerals and metals extraction. These sessions delve into the reformed policy frameworks governing the mining sector in each country aimed at fostering a more conducive environment for investment and sustainable development. The sessions explore the potential for public-private partnerships within the mining industry, which can drive innovation, efficiency, and responsible resource management.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
SGX Academy 2

The Philippines is a major player in Southeast Asian mining, being the world's second-largest nickel producer and sixth-largest cobalt producer. Recent policy changes have boosted its mining potential. The country has seen a steady rise in nickel production, becoming China's top supplier, surpassing Indonesia. In 2021, the Philippines lifted bans on new mines, leading to the commissioning of 10 new nickel mines in 2022.

SGX Academy 1

Malaysia is a regional leader in aluminum, iron, and manganese production. Once a major global producer of bauxite, a 2016 mining moratorium due to environmental concerns slowed production, which hasn't fully recovered despite the 2019 lift. Throughout the 2010s, Malaysia's mining and mineral manufacturing sectors grew significantly, boosting GDP and job creation.

Hon Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
12:10 PM - 1:10 PM
SGX Academy 1

Timor-Leste is emerging as a significant player in Asia's mining sector. Rich in untapped mineral resources, the country has shown potential for substantial growth in oil, gas, and mineral production. Recent government initiatives aimed at attracting foreign investment and developing infrastructure have bolstered this potential. With a focus on sustainable and responsible mining practices, Timor-Leste is poised to become a key contributor to the region's mining industry in the coming years

Rafael D M de Araújo